The Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima Will be at the Marian Shrine Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 1:30pm For a Eucharistic Procession & Rosary Rally 174 Filors La. Stony Point, NY Take Exit 14 off Palisades Pkwy Bring a Group! We especially invite youth & young adults For Information Email: Fr. Steve Shafran, SDB [email protected]
In a few weeks, rehearsals for St. Anthony’s Junior Choir will resume. All boys and girls in grades 5-12 are invited. Not only will your child(ren) be receiving an invaluable experience in music education, they also have the opportunity to learn more about the liturgy, and to serve as leaders. By singing in a choir, children “will be better prepared for their eventual role as adult members of the worshiping assembly” (STL55) Our first rehearsal will take place on Sunday, September 26th in the Parish Church from 2:00- 3:00pm. For further information, please call the rectory (845)623- 2138 or see Lisa Chen, our Music Director, after Mass. Your child(ren) will have a very enjoyable time and be making a wonderful contribution to the parish’s music ministry.