As we did at Christmas, anyone who would like to donate to the Easter Flowers in memory of a deceased loved one, may pick up an Easter Flowers Envelope in either Church. We will again print the names of those in whose memory the flowers have been donated. Please return the envelope by Monday, March 22nd. We will not be able to add any names received after March 22nd as the list will be sent to the printer. To insure the correct spelling, PLEASE PRINT NAMES ON THE ENVELOPE ~ Thank you!
This year Father Joseph J. Deponai (Fr. Jerry) will be completing his (second) six-year term as Pastor of St. Anthony’s Church. In keeping with Archdiocesan policy, an evaluation of the parish has begun. Click for more details
There are some available Masses open in the 2021 Mass Book. Anyone who would like to book a Mass can come to the Rectory office from 8:30am to 3:30pm Monday- Friday or call the Rectory during the same hours at 623-2138 ext. 6.
Thank you for your generous support of last week’s Peter’s Pence Colleciton! As a parish, we collected $1,170.50. Our contributions will join those from our brothers and sisters around the world to help Pope Francis in his ministry to the Universal Church, including relief to people in need and support for the Holy See. If you missed the collection, it is not too late to give. Visti