As USHERS or greeters. Adults, young adults (men and women) to help in creating a climate of welcome and hospitality in our worshiping community. As LECTORS. Your charisma (gift) and talent of proclaiming God's Word can make the Word of God truly alive! As EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION (EMHC). Adults, young adults (men and women) who will assist the priests in distributing the precious Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful, the homebound and the sick in our Parish family. Please contact Fr. Antonio Ferrer at the Rectory (623-2138 x6) or email the rectory at [email protected] Training will be announced as we gather enough respondents.
This year Father Jerry will be completing his second six-year term as Pastor of St. Anthony Church. In keeping with Archdiocesan policy, an evaluation of the parish has begun. Parishioners and staff who wish to do so may write letters with their own comments about our parish and the pastoral leadership of the parish. Please address your letters to: The Office of Priest Personnel Archdiocese of New York 1011 First Avenue New York, New York 10022 Letters should be received no later than February 28, 2021 Any correspondence received after the deadline will NOT be included in the evaluation process.