SOMEONE WHO CAN LISTEN Everyone goes through crises sometimes. When that is happening, we can benefit from a conversation with an experienced professional counselor who shares our Catholic perspective. Our parish can make a connection for you through the archdiocese's PARISH COUNSELING NETWORK. Our parishioners can make an appointment to meet with a professional counselor in Rockland County or anyplace in the archdiocese for up to six meetings, with only a $10 co-pay per session. Tell Father that you want to talk with a counselor. He will contact the appointment desk on your behalf and then you can call and arrange your first visit. If interested please call 1-866-962-7487.
Please take note of the businesses advertising in our bulletin. These businesses know that we are are not gathering, yet are still willing to make virtual bulletins possible through their business. Click to see businesses.
Your enrollment in Flocknote would help tremendously with the communications process in this situation. Please text "SHRINE to 84576" or visit "" to enroll in flocknote. It is a resource that will facilitate communication!
ST. ANTHONY’S FEAST CELEBRATION ON SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2020 HAS BEEN CANCELLED. We will have the 9 day Novena with all the scheduled Masses and Novenas, but the Social and the Feast are cancelled.
Mother’s Day is May 10 . Cards are available in back of Church Please return them to the Rectory Mail Slot no later than th Wednesday, May 6 , to assure that all Mothers will be remembered in the Mother’s Day Masses. The large cards are for the living and the small envelopes are for the names of the deceased.