Rosary & Exposition of Blessed Sacrament at 6:30pm, Talk at 7:00pm followed by Benediction. Wednesday December 2nd Prepare The Way– (John The Baptist), Wednesday December 9th Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart– (Immaculate Mary– Mary Most Chaste) Wednesday December 16th Fidelity– (St. Joseph), Wednesday December 23rd Joy– (Christ The Newborn King). Live at The Marian Shrine with The Salesians of Don Bosco and DMACT Ministries or Live on Facebook at DMACT or throughout Advent. Note: We continue to do Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament with Praise Music Every Thursday Night at the Marian Shrine. Live or Live on Facebook at DMACT or Same time schedule – 6:30 Rosary and 7:00PM Adoration.
Want to help those in need this Advent? We will be starting the giving trees this weekend! You will be able to help out families of Rockland, New York, the homeless and mothers in need. To sign up for your gift please go on our website ( and sign up! For quick access you can scan the QR Code below. We will be giving to Catholic Charities in NYC and Rockland, Good Counsel Homes, Birthright, and the homeless via a Breakfast Run on January 2nd. Please be mindful of deadlines. Some gifts need to be brought in by December 6th while others can be dropped off until December 18th. You can also drop them off during the youth group’s fundraiser or in the boxes throughout the church. If you have difficulty with the website but still want to participate call Stephanie at (845) 641-1730 for assistance. Thank you!
So often at this time of year we remember our departed relatives and friends. A lovely way to do this is to remember them with Christmas Flowers for our altars. If you would like to do this, please drop your Christmas Flower envelope in the collection basket or pick up an envelope in the church and return it to the rectory. We will again print the names of those in whose memory the flowers were donated. DUE TO EARLY HOLIDAY DEADLINES, ALL FLOWER REMEMBRANCE ENVELOPES MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th. **PLEASE NOTE: WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY ENVELOPES RECEIVED AFTER DECEMBER 7th, WILL HAVE THE NAME PRINTED IN THE BULLETIN ** Please be sure to PRINT the names on the envelopes to assure the correct spelling. Note: In addition this year, due to the amount of pages that have to go in the bulletin, we are asking you to group people with the same last name and not list them individually. Thank you!
We had to postpone Confirmation which was scheduled for Saturday, November 7th due to Covid. It is rescheduled for March 27, 2021. We did this to protect the health of all involved! Let us pray for those who were affected! And, we pray for those who are developing the vaccine!