ST. ANTHONY’S DINNER/DANCE CELEBRATION Giving praise and thanks to God we continue with our grand commemoration of our 125th Anniversary of St. Anthony’s Parish with a Dinner/Dance Celebration on Friday, November 3, 2023 at the Pearl River Elk’s Club, Nanuet from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Tickets will be $65.00 per person. The price includes music and a sumptuous Buffet with beverages of wine, beer and soda. More information to come on ticket sales. Save the date!
If you are a practicing Catholic and interested in sharing your Catholic faith with our young children please contact St. Anthony’s Religious Education program, volunteers are always needed to assist in our Children’s Liturgy and PREP ministries. Email Ursula Magee, Director of Religious Education at Children’s Liturgy will be at the 9:00am and the 10:15am Masses in the Parish Church.
Beginning September 30th, our rectory will begin new weekend hours. Saturdays- 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Sundays- 8:30am to 2:30pm. There will be someone in the office to assist you with Mass cards at this time!
The St.Anthony’s Feast will be celebrated on Sunday,June11th. In past years, Sponsors have helped present this wonderful event by their generosity. If you would like to be a sponsor for this year’s feast, you can pick up a sponsorship form in the vestibule of both churches. Please leave your form and donation at the rectory or in the Sunday collection basket. PLEASE MARK THE ENVELOPE, FEAST SPONSOR attention of Feast Committee(Forms are due back by Friday,May26,2023). A list of all sponsors will be displayed at the Feast. Any donation is greatly appreciated. It is the generosity of our sponsors that help to make St. Anthony’s Feast a great success.
Click for more details and registration form. Kids Will Shine the Light of Jesus at Stellar Vacation Bible School (VBS) Current Pre K4 - Current 4 Graders Date: June 26 – 30 9:00 AM-12:00 PM St. Anthony’s School Our kids are going on an out-of-this-world adventure! St. Anthony’s Kids shine Jesus’ light! Awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch! Games! Bible songs! Tasty treats! Register with payment by May 7, 2023 Forms Available in PREP Office & Online Check or Money Order Payable to St. Anthony’s PREP $60/child ($50.00 Additional child) Space is Limited So Hurry to Sign up for this awesome adventure! Please Email all inquires at **If you have a 7th or 8th grader we are looking for volunteers**
On this date the “Coming Back Feast of St. Anthony” will return. This Parish event will be a great celebration long awaited- an opportunity to reunite our parishioners. Please come to a planning meeting on Tuesday, April 11th at 7:30pm in the Shrine basement to help plan this celebration. Watch for further details of the Feast in the coming bulletins.
Help fund St. Anthony’s Youth Group by purchasing a palm cross from us! Funds for the group have been used to take the teens to Catholic Underground, NY Catholic Youth Day, help the poor with our regular midnightruns, and more! The palm crosses are 24” with 2 lilies and a bow. Prepaid pre-ordered palm crosses are available at a discount of $13.50 per cross. If you would like it placed on a grave, the cost is $18. Please include section and row and the name of the deceased with your order. To place a pre order, you can email us at or place an order on our website until March 22nd. Payments by check made payable to St. Anthony’s Youth Group can be dropped off or mailed to the rectory; attention: youth group. If you prefer to pay by Zelle or Venmo, contact us. The crosses will be available for pickup March 25 before and after the 5pm Mass & March 26 from 7:30am to 1:00pm. Palm crosses will be available for sale on the day of pickup for $15.
Parish office will be closed on Monday, February 20th for Presidents’ Day. If you have an emergency and you need a Priest please call: 845-623-2138 ext. 6.
The Mass book for 2023 is now open if you are interested in booking a Mass please stop into the rectory from 9:00am to Noon and 1pm to 3:30pm. Thank you for your cooperation! (The customary offering for each announced mass is $15.00. Thank you.)
St. Anthony’s Parish Players will have their 2023 Spring Production which will be “The King & I”. The show dates will be Friday, April 21 at 8pm; Saturday, April 22 at 8pm and Sunday, April 23 at 3pm. If planning to participate, please make note of this when planning vacation arrangements. Regular rehearsals will begin in the School Auditorium in January 2023 (date TBD) from 7:30-10:30 pm and continue weekly. There will also be additional music rehearsals on Thursdays from 7:30-9:30 pm in the School Media Room. The week of the show (tech week) rehearsals will be nightly up to the day of performance. In addition to actors, we also are looking for people with other talents, such as sewing, painting, playbill design and carpentry. If you can, please volunteer your talents.
Giving Trees- Join us as a parish community by participating in our giving trees. Our trees are set up in the Parish & Shrine Churches. The gifts will help to bring joy to our neighbors and will go to Catholic Charities, Good Counsel, Midnight Run and Birthright. Please return gifts going to Catholic Charities by December 1st and all others by December 18th in the boxes in both churches. There will be a note on the ornament if it is for Catholic Charities. It is in giving we receive. May God Bless You with Hope and help you to prepare to receive Our Lord at Christmas!
Is God calling you to bring His Love and Word to the youth? Why not help with youth ministry? We welcome your gifts and talents of all backgrounds to serve the parish. Whether it is help with our website, social media, service, events, fundraising or youth meetings, any and all help is appreciated. Join the team! Questions – email us or call Stephanie (845) 641-1730.
Parents, encourage your children to join our Youth Choir, meeting once a week on Sundays from 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm. Not only will your children receive an invaluable experience in choral singing and develop foundational skills such as music theory, ear training, and sight- singing, but they will also learn more about liturgy and provide musical leadership in several masses throughout the year. In addition, advanced Choristers will have the opportunity to take individual lessons and cantor at the 7:00pm Sunday masses. Our first open rehearsal will be on Sunday, October 16th, in the Parish Church. Please call the rectory or talk to Lisa Chen, our Music Director, after mass for enrollment or further information.
Beginning on July 31, 2022, St. Anthony’s Shrine and Parish Churches will begin burning the Sanctuary Candle in memory of a loved one; either living or deceased for one week periods (Sunday –Saturday). Names of your loved one will be listed in our weekly bulletin. To book a Sanctuary Candle burning on or after Sunday, July 31, 2022 please stop into the Rectory Office starting on July 11th Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm (Customary offering is $20.00).
WeShare, our online giving provider, will be upgraded later this month. When you login, using your current email address and password, you will see the new landing page. Improvements to the platform include: Ability to donate to multiple collections at once, Improved process of updating your payment source information, Ability for more detailed receipts, Ability to upload documents, Easier Account Creation, Simplified-Robust Event Registration Options. Any questions please call WeShare at 1-877-316-0260 option 1, then option 2 for donor support.
Beginning on July 31, 2022, St. Anthony’s Shrine and Parish Churches will begin burning the Sanctuary Candle in memory of a loved one; either living or deceased for one week periods (Sunday –Saturday). Names of your loved one will be listed in our weekly bulletin. To book a Sanctuary Candle burning on or after Sunday, July 31, 2022 please stop into the Rectory Office starting on July 11th Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm (Customary offering is $20.00).